Offices & Departments Directory

Public Safety

At Seattle University Public Safety, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our close-knit community. We are dedicated to creating a safe and secure environment that empowers all of our students, faculty and staff to thrive.


Reprographic Services offers a wide array of binding and finishing services; cutting, folding, drilling, insertion, padding, coil binding, comb binding and much more.

School of Law

We offer a comprehensive legal education that goes beyond the classroom. Our students become lawyers and leaders with the practical skills, the knowledge, and the drive to make a real difference for their clients and their communities.

Student Financial Services

An education at Seattle University is an investment in a student's future success. The Student Financial Services Office awards over 91% of undergraduate students and over 68% of graduate students with financial aid each year. These award packages assist in our mission to make Jesuit education affordable and accessible.